Best of Parenting 2023

Best of Parenting 2023

Jun 30, 2017

The Power of Connecting

Connecting toys (also called manipulative or table top toys) are objects like legos, puzzles, lacing games, or anything that interlocks. They are typically played with at the table or on the floor. These quiet activities can be played alone, in small groups, or with a teacher. They offer children opportunities to learn new skills.

Providing a variety of manipulatives with differing texture, colors, shapes and degree of difficulty give lots of opportunities for children to develop skills in many domains. Often, manipulatives can help math skills, science reasoning, critical thinking, and problem solving.

Look for fun ways to develop manipulative skills at home. Anything that requires their fine motor skills (small muscles) will count.This will not only be a fun experience but will also help later in handwriting.

Take a look at all the fun we had this week at The Academy. We focused on fine motor and connecting with our school family.