Best of Parenting 2023

Best of Parenting 2023

Aug 18, 2023

Wild Things - A visit from Animal Tales

Animal Tales did a wonderful job presenting to our Pre K classes this week! The children were so engaged with the discussions and then followed up with really well thought out questions. I was super impressed at their higher order thinking skills and their ability to formulate on-topic questions that added depth to their understanding. They learned about habitats and predators, but seemed to be most interested in the diets of each animal and how they eat their food. Mr. Grant, with Animal Tales, shared so much information with them in the time that we spent together. He was engaging and patient and facilitated a very memorable learning experience for the children.  
Black Tailed Prairie Dog (Barks to communicate with relatives, builds dens with real rooms, and gets crackers on Mrs. Robin's Carpet!!!)
Madagascar Hissing Beetle (Makes hissing noises out of holes on its' side)
Jaguar Iguana (a super fast Iguana that can even JUMP!)
A Snake that we were all very amused by!

Hedgy the Hedge Hog ( we talked a lot about similarities and differences between Hedgy and Sonic the Hedge Hog) 

Sugar Glider (He was so exited that he kept using the bathroom on Mr. Grant and he was super active and wiggly! He made us giggle the most!)