Best of Parenting 2023

Best of Parenting 2023

Feb 27, 2017

Conscious Discipline Parent Workshop

Last Thursday we hosted a free parent workshop to explain our new social/emotional curriculum, Conscious Discipline.  We started incorporating Conscious Discipline into our program seven months ago. Conscious Discipline compliments our academic curriculum, Frog Street Press.

This workshop was to explain how we use Conscious Discipline here at The Academy of Cool Springs and how it can be incorporated into home life for even better results.  And we gave out lots of fun prizes! 

Bridging the gap from home to school can have a huge impact on a child and their development.  We are so fortunate to have such involved and caring parents.  Stay tuned for more opportunities to learn together.

 Ready to learn!

 Lots of prizes to give away!

 Sharing information and working together is powerful.

 Thank you to all the parents who came.

The prize winners and their prizes.

Feb 20, 2017

Dental Health Month

  In honor of Dental Health Month here are some tips about your child's dental health.

What should I use to clean my baby's teeth?
A toothbrush will remove plaque bacteria that can lead to decay. Any soft-bristled toothbrush with a small head, preferably one designed specifically for infants, should be used at least once a day at bedtime. 
When should I take my child to the dentist for the first check-up?
In order to prevent dental problems, your child should see a pediatric dentist when the first tooth appears, or no later than his/her first birthday.
What is the difference between a pediatric dentist and a family dentist?
Pediatric dentists are the pediatricians of dentistry. A pediatric dentist has two to three years specialty training following dental school and limits his/her practice to treating children only. Pediatric dentists are primary and specialty oral care providers for infants and children through adolescence, including those with special health needs. 
What should I do if my child falls and knocks out a permanent tooth?
The most important thing to do is to remain calm. Then find the tooth. Hold it by the crown rather than the root and try to reinsert it in the socket. If that is not possible, put the tooth in a glass of milk and take your child and the glass immediately to the pediatric dentist. 
How can parents help prevent tooth decay?
Parents should take their children to the dentist regularly, beginning with the eruption of the first tooth. Then, the dentist can recommend a specific program of brushing, flossing, and other treatments for parents to supervise and teach to their children. These home treatments, when added to regular dental visits and a balanced diet, will help give your child a lifetime of healthy habits.

Thank you to Snodgrass-King for coming and putting on a wonderful dental presentation for our students.  They even brought CHOMP the Dinosaur to visit!  It was so much fun learning how to take care of our teeth.


Feb 14, 2017

T is for Triangle

Ms. Katrina and Ms. Dalilah's Toddler One class are busy learning about triangles this week. They were able to create a triangle tunnel out of a box. This turned into a two day project. Everyone was able to put their artistic touch and paint the tunnel. The next day the tunnel was able to come out and all the children were able to explore and climb through it. This is the perfect example of our philosophy that children love to learn through play. Thanks Toddler One for always thinking "outside the box" (no pun intended) and making learning a fun experience for your class.

Feb 10, 2017

Love is in the Air!

Last night was our annual family Valentine's Dinner.  We enjoyed a yummy spaghetti dinner.  We also made Valentine photo frames.  What's best to go in that frame?  Well, a super cute family picture of course!  We are beyond blessed to have so many awesome families at our school.  We love getting to spend time together.  These are just a few of the families in attendance spreading the love in our photo booth.

Here are some pictures of our families enjoying dinner and craft time!

Feb 9, 2017

Tools and Machines

This week our Pre-K Two class explored tools and machines. They talked all week about large and small machines that move and the difference between pushing and pulling. The class was able to gather materials and create a sled and pulley. Once they built their machines everyone was able to investigate how both machines worked.  Talk about hands on learning!