Best of Parenting 2023

Best of Parenting 2023

Oct 26, 2022

Pumpkin Patch Fun!

 Pumpkins, pumpkins all around! 

Our classes took a mini field trip to the AoCS pumpkin patch. They had so much fun being able to pick their own pumpkin to take home. 

Oct 14, 2022


We had so much fun this week for fire prevention week. We saw a lot of cute firefighters in our school throughout the week! Tuesday we did a fire drill and our educators did a great job at staying calm and transitioning all the kids to their safe place smoothly. Surprisingly, most kids were very calm and did great as well. It was great seeing that our teachers were on it! They grabbed their emergency bag, tablet and out the door with the kids in such a quick time. We also read a lot of books what teaches the kids what to do if they see a fire and what not to do. Safe to say we all learned a lot this week! 

Oct 8, 2022


Keeping Kids Safe Curriculum 
In October we started the Keeping Kids Safe Curriculum. This curriculum is taught to our friends that are three years and up. The curriculum teaches children from a young age to recognize abuse and how to communicate with a trusted adult. It also reminds our educators the different forms of child abuse.  The main focus is to let them understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching and ways they can keep themselves safe. 
The session for this week was “Family and Friends”. In this section they learned the importance of friendship and how to value one another. We absolutely love this curriculum!