February is Dental Health Awareness Month! The children have loved learning about their teeth and how to keep them shiny and bright! The children worked on flossing and cleaning their teeth in the class. We also had a fun take home activity that allowed the children to work with their parents sorting healthy and unhealthy foods for their teeth!
Best of Parenting 2023
Feb 24, 2023
Feb 20, 2023
Special Guest - Jill Thatcher
Feb 15, 2023
Love, Love, Love
Feb 9, 2023
On The Go!!
Feb 1, 2023
Gold Sneaker initiative is trying to encourage appropriate nutrition and physical activity for different age groups. Proper nutrition and physical activity will not only have an immediate benefit but will also have a long-term impact on their well-being as adults. When families chooses to bring their own lunch and snacks, our health and wellness co-ordinator makes sure the child has all the proper portions of food. We ensure appropriate feeding patterns, including adequate time for meal consumptions. We promote a positive attitude to food and maintain a tobacco free school.All our staff have great knowledge on gold sneaker initiative; hence the reason we always tell our parents to dress their kids appropriately for the weather. If we cannot go outside due to the weather, every classroom is fully equipped to still do indoor gross motor skills activity..