Best of Parenting 2023

Best of Parenting 2023

Jun 19, 2024

Excavation Experts

 We've got dinosaurs galore around here this week! Our excavation experts worked so hard on discovering what was inside their dino egg. They used hammers, golf tees, tooth brushes, and their hands to dig out their dinosaur. The room was silent except for the sound of banging hammers for several minuets. The children discovered that other strategies aside from banging may be necessary. They began to try methods such as scraping and twisting. Their determination was unmatched. We loved hearing them encourage their table partners and collaborate on trail and error! As they uncovered their dinosaurs, they beamed with joy (which made the months of ground coffee collection all worth it 😉 )

Boosts Concentration and Focus


Encourages Problem-Solving

Enhances Grip Strength 

Promotes Persistence

Improves Hand-Eye Coordination

Jun 13, 2024

Homemade Popsicles

 Preschool One and Preschool Two have been busy helping Ms. Bre make our afternoon snack, delicious fruit popsicles! They worked hard squishing and mashing the fruit for Ms. Bre so she could turn the fruit into popsicles!  After they had time to freeze overnight came the best part...we got to eat them!  So yummy!

Jun 7, 2024

Water Day!

 Water day only means one thing at The Academy… HAPPY SUMMER, yall! Water play is an all encompassing developmental activity during a child’s early learning years. The giggles and smiles remind us just how precious these childhood years are. 

Kindergarten Bootcamp

 Each summer as our rising kindergarteners are finishing their last few months with us, we have a blast preparing them through our Kindergarten Bootcamp program! These 8 weeks equip our cadets with skills that are often overlooked when entering the school system. Skills such as opening their lunch items and being responsible for their own school items. Cadets will enter school with experience as they explore library day, cafeteria day, hear from special guests, and more! We kicked off this week and we can’t wait for more!