Best of Parenting 2023

Best of Parenting 2023

Jun 23, 2014

Lifeguard Safety

Our very own PS2 teacher volunteered to talk about lifeguard safety. Ms. Kirstie is a certified lifeguard and works at the YMCA in Maryland Farms. She showed us all of her tools and what she uses them for. We talked about the rules that you need to follow when you are at the pool and to always be with an adult. Ms. Kirstie also showed them different techniques to use if there was an accident in the pool and to always yell "HELP" as loud as you can.
Ms. Kirstie also does swim lesson on the weekends if anyone is interested you can email her your information or stop by her classroom.

 Ms. Kirstie showing everyone her cool stuff.
 Showing everyone how to kick their feet in the water.
 They couldn't wait to touch everything!
Showing everyone what she would use if she had to perform CPR.