Best of Parenting 2023

Best of Parenting 2023

Oct 24, 2014

Pumpkin Week!

It's one of my favorite weeks of the year...PUMPKIN WEEK!  We've decorated pumpkins, stomped on pumpkin guts with our feet, and even made pumpkin bread to eat for afternoon snack.  It's been pumpkin MANIA around here!  Check out our fun pics.

Stomping pumpkin guts.

Kendyl and Maddie stomping away.

Connor and Ethan were a little skeptical of how it felt.

Raighan, Tate and Cole loved it.

Ninja Turtles stomping away.

Preschool Two decorating their pumpkin.

Dylan carefully placing tissue paper on the pumpkin.

Pre-K Two baking pumpkin treats.

Kylie filling up the muffin cups.