Best of Parenting 2023

Best of Parenting 2023

Apr 18, 2015

A Visit from Baby Chicks!

Last week we studied all about ducks and chickens and on Friday we were so surprised when baby chicks came to visit us!  They were so cute.  Some were yellow and some were brown.  But all of them were super soft.  And all of them made the sweetest little sounds.  We got to put them and Ms. Danie taught us a lot about little chicks. It was a super fun hands-on learning day.

Thank you Ms. Danie for bringing some of your baby chicks to visit us at AoCS!

 They were so little.

 Being brave and petting the chick.

 Ms. Megan holding a chick.

 We asked lots of questions.

 Come out, come out little chick.