Best of Parenting 2023

Best of Parenting 2023

Mar 21, 2018

Playing is Connecting!

Your child and his or her teacher get to connect with each other on a daily basis through playing and learning.  Did you know that there are simple activities that you can do on the way home from school or on the weekends that can help you connect with your child?  It can be summarized in one word: PLAY.  Here are some simple ways to play and connect with your child.

10 Ways to Play and Connect

1.Hide and Seek
Kids as young as 2 can begin to play this favorite.  Start off by hiding yourself and having them try to find you.  Or hide a favorite stuffed animal and look for him/her together.  Give a hug when the person is found – or chase back to a certain spot!

2. Buzz Hug Game
A “buzz hug” is a snug hug that is given with a gentle shaking and buzzing sound.

3. Dancing or Marching to Music
Create your own special dance – or just play some fun music and actually get up and dance with your kids.

4. Playing Music Together
This can be a fun way to bond!  Put on some music and get instruments out and play along, or even better, play real musical instruments and create songs together. 

5. Floor Play
Sometimes doing a simple activity like a jigsaw puzzle, or a stacking game together on the floor can be all a child needs to connect.  Open-ended toys like blocks, cars and trucks, and dolls provide many ways for your child to direct the play and you to follow their lead – something kids love!

6.Walking Outside
There’s something about being outside together, especially out in a natural area, that is good for the soul! Try exploring a new park, a local pond or boardwalk, or even just follow a trail that you haven’t been down before.  Your child will pick up on your sense of adventure and exploration and you’ll get some fresh air and sunshine!

7. Baking/Cooking
If you haven’t done this yet, start easy by making pancakes from batter that only needs you to add a couple of ingredients, or a pre-mixed muffin mix.  Your child will love learning to stir and pour and especially enjoy the tasting!

8. Car Play
Even when you’re on your way somewhere, you can take time to connect.
Onetime loves playing I-Spy in the car, or a game where I say the first line or two of a nursery rhyme and he fills in the last word. e.g. “Humpty Dumpty sat on a….?”  “Wall!” “Humpty Dumpty had a great….?” “Fall!”

9. Imaginative Play
One of the toddler and preschooler’s favorite forms of play. Join in his/her play by being a willing participant (be a firefighter too!), a helping character (become the mechanic when the train breaks), or a subordinate (be the patient when she’s the doctor.)
Remember to follow your child’s lead, ask questions like “Where should we go next?  What should we do next?” and get on his/her level when playing.
10. Sing Songs Together
Sing favorite songs in the car, while walking to school, in the living room after dinner, or before bedtime.