Best of Parenting 2023

Best of Parenting 2023

Aug 25, 2017

The Power of Our Playgrounds

What's our favorite time of the day?!  Playground time!!!  This week we rediscovered the power of our playgrounds.  We are extremely lucky at our location to have amazing playground space.  It's our own private oasis that the kids (and teachers) love.  Check out some of our most fun events this week:

 Checking out what the toddlers are doing on their playground.

 Our annual summer playground FOAM PARTY!

 Rolling paint down the slide.

 Making stick people.


 Parachute fun!

 Outdoor circle time.

 Working our big muscles on the monkey bars.

 Working together as a school family.

 Playing house.

 Playground art.

When we are on the playground we are all smiles!