Best of Parenting 2023

Best of Parenting 2023

Apr 6, 2018

Guess That Theme!

It's time to play GUESS THAT THEME!  Look at the pictures below.  Can you guess what our students were learning this week?  Hint - it's a nursery rhyme. 

 Rolling in the "mud".  Did you know the mud cools down pigs when they are hot?
Learning Focus: GROSS MOTOR
Specific Goals: 
Develops control of large muscles for movement, navigation and balance
Develops increasing ability to change positions and move body from place to place

 Search for "pig tails" in the bucket.
Learning Focus: FINE MOTOR and MEMORY
Specific Goals:
Uses hands or feet to touch objects or people
Develops control of small muscles for manipulation and exploration
Coordinates hand and eye movements
Searches for missing or hidden objects

 Painting "mud".
Learning Focus: CREATIVITY
Specific Goals:
Develops skill and confidence with processes of art, such as drawing, collage, painting and constructing

 Blowing feathers like a big, bag wolf would. 
Specific Goals:
Uses objects in new ways or pretend play
Uses imitation in pretend play to express creativity and imagination

You guessed right!  We were learning about the Three Little Pigs. We are fortunate to use an award-winning curriculum, Frog Street Press, to help our classroom come alive with learning through play!  We instruct a variety of activities to help your child's cognitive, social, emotional, physical and language development.  We focus on the following developmental domains for our toddlers and young preschoolers:

Health and Well-Being
Gross Motor Skills
Fine Motor Skills
Trust and Emotional Security
Self Awareness
Relationships with Others
Listening and Understanding
Communication and Speaking
Emergent Literacy
Exploration and Discovery
Problem Solving
Imitation and Make Believe

While learning we look for the following approaches toward learning: 
curiosity, persistence, attention and communication

For more information on our curriculum visit